the myth of Prometheus 普罗米修斯的神话 ancient Greek myths 古希腊神话 2) an idea or story that many pwople believe, but which is not true 虚构的故事,荒诞的说法 ..
Ancient Greek myths and legends 古希腊神话和传说
historicalness in ancient greek myths 古希腊文化中的历史主义倾向
ancient greek and roman myths 古希腊罗马神话
From female's perspective, the ancient Greek myths and legends are made by the man-centered society.
Ancient Greek myths tell of intelligent objects, such as animated statues of human beings and tables that arrive full of food and drink when called.
In the garden of world myths, ancient Greek myths have been distinctive for their vivid narration, profound psychological meaning and marvelous mythical imagination.