All of PBM’s formulas, and for that matter all of U. S. infant formulas, are subject to the exacting standards of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pursuant to the Infant Formula Act of 1980.
After a crisis investors (and for that matter regulators) seldom make exactly the same mistake twice.
And for that matter, new code might be able to implement only AIO and thereby simplify quite a lot of things.
The Ext2 filesystem (and for that matter, any filesystem) can be created and mounted onto an embedded device using the concept of Ramdisk.
"I don't think this is going to have that big an effect on either side, whether it's the states who want to maintain their territorial integrity against the aspirations of some of their own indigenous people or, for that matter, movements that want to seek their own independence and freedom."
VOA: special.2010.07.24
So that's something there're physicalist can say and for that matter, there is something that a soul--somebody believes in souls could say as well.
And for that matter, there could still be variability.