...时性-中大网校论文网 关键词秦汉时期;关中地区;泛胜之书;作物;播种期;生态环境;农业生产 [gap=754]Key wordsQin and Han dynasty;Guanzhong Basin;the book of FanSheng-zhi;crop;sowing date;ecological environmen..
Qin And Han Dynasty 秦汉时期
Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty 货殖
han dynasty and wei dynasty 汉魏六朝
Qin and Early Han Dynasty 秦和前汉
Han and Jin Dynasty 汉晋时期
The system of the census register in Qin and Han Dynasty is one of the earliest complete population management system.
In the long river of relationship between Kushan Empire and han Dynasty, peace and friendly exchange was mainstream, and the conflicts were branches.
The explanations of "One" in the Taoist scriptures after Han dynasty were much less accurate and clear than that in Qin and Han dynasty, and became blurring.