and i'm talking to you 当我给你说的时候 ; 正在与你倾诉 ; 我正在向你述说
It's hard to be thrilled with your job if the company you work for is struggling to succeed, or feels stuck and irrelevant. I'm not talking about obvious problems — red ink and layoffs.
And if you aren't sure who I'm talking to, I'm actually talking to both the parents and the students, so congratulations to everybody.
I'm talking about masterpieces of coding that you can't help admiring for their style, structure, and concise expression of a solution to a complex problem.
I don't always do that but I'd like to, ; and I can if you come at 11:30. Bring your books; I'm going to be talking about the texts and I hope you'll have them open.
This is generally the general introduction of the brain that I wanted to provide, giving the framework for what I'll be talking about later on throughout the course so that I might later on make reference to neurons or neurotransmitters or the cortex or the left hemisphere and you'll sort of have the background to understand what I'm talking about.