You can take a cue from GCC: maintain many sets of environment variables per application and switch from one pool to another depending on the work at-hand.
您可以从 GCC 得到提示:为每个应用程序维护多个环境变量集,并根据手头的工作从一个集合切换到另一个集合。
The town contained several large streets all very like one another, and many small streets still more like one another, inhabited by people equally like one another.
The consequences have been highly contagious, moving quickly from one country to another, and from one sector of the economy to many others.
The influence of the so-called Konstanz School spread to the United States and had many ramifications here, particularly and crucially in the early work of another critic we'll be turning to later in the semester, Stanley Fish.
His career, where he attempted many times to play roles that were different from his Vulcan nature, stalled until finally many years later he gave up and wrote another book called I Am Spock where he finally conceded to the fundamental attribution error.