... HTML meta keywords 网页关键词 And Meta Keywords 与元关键词 META Keywords & Meta Description 码中的关键词和描述元标识 ...
Trying to trick a search engine by including hidden fields, or overloading it with meta tags with particular keywords, causes the search engine to ignore the page and the site.
Not unlike dating algorithms, Peerset's targeting algorithm takes keywords and meta data from online profiles and matches them with relevant information.
Peerset的定位算法(targeting algorithm)不同于追踪算法(dating algorithm),定位算法从网络档案中提取关键词和元数据信息,然后和相关信息进行匹配。
This has prompted a recent heated debate on the implications of the meta-modules and the requires keywords. As Richard Hall, Sun employee and Felix commiter, writes
大家就元模块的含义与keyword展开了 激烈的讨论。