So you landed that interview, aced the interview, and now you are just waiting back on the company to see if you actually got the job.
This is the key to backwards planning, for example, where you start with a goal and think back through the steps needed to reach it until you get to where you are right now.
这也是倒序安排的关键所在。 比如,先设定目标,然后倒转来想要达到这个目标需要哪些步骤,一直退回到你现在的实际状况。
In fact, the worst case scenario is that things don't work out and you have to go back to doing exactly what you are doing right now.
> David: Welcome back to CS50, and welcome now that you are officially enrolled.
Now, we are done because now we can ask how high does it go, and you go back to your y of 1 is 15+10-5, which is what?