Commuting across an international border can be a very interesting experience. Every day you see the same people standing there in the traffic. Selling their bags of peanuts, fried pork skins, and sodas. Advertising their amputations and deformities or displaying their unfortunately disadvantaged progeny with the hope that someone... anyone... will give them a few pesos.
Popcorn And Sodas 玉米花和苏打水
Sodas And Fruit 苏打水和水果
Sodas And Sandwiches 苏打水和三明治
Plain sodas and juices 碳酸饮料及果汁
They had liquor for the adults and sodas for the children.
In their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas.
The drinks do contain sugar, but not nearly as much as some sweetened teas, fruit drinks and sodas.