and the research approach
... Action Research Approach 研究法 And The Research Approach 并对研究方法 Approach To Research 方式研究 ...
and the research approach
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
In this part, this paper will reveal the significance of study the Neo-Boudoir art, and make an introduction to the research theme and the research approach.
The purpose of main study on this text, research range, and the research approach has done the simple generalization, and has made an introduction to the writing original intention of the article.
In conducting research on cultural and ethnic minority issues, investigators distinguish between the emic approach and the etic approach.
The U.S. is still stalled in the research phase and the ITIF report calls for a federal approach comparable in scale to the Interstate Highway System launched in the 1950s, with national real-time traffic information in the 100 largest cities by 2014 and a mileage-based user fee system by 2020.
CNN: South Korea and Japan streets ahead in smart transport
In 2011, as a result of a two-day workshop on Internal Migration and Human Development, UNESCO and UNICEF launched the Internal Migration in India Initiative (IMII) to support the social inclusion of migrants in the economic, social, political and cultural life of the country, using a three-legged approach combining research, policy and advocacy.
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
This day-long parallel event will provide an introduction to the program and its approach, interactive discussions with experts on research questions and lessons relevant to the programme.
UNESCO: Basic Sciences