Equivalence classes take the general form [=tagname=] inside a set declaration, where tagname is either a single character, or a name of a collating element, and matches any character that is a member of the same primary equivalence class as the collating element [.tagname.]. An equivalence class is a set of characters that collate the same, a primary equivalence class is a set of characters whose primary sort key are all the same (for example strings are typically collated by character, then by accent, and then by case; the primary sort key then relates to the character, the secondary to the accentation, and the tertiary to the case). If there is no equivalence class corresponding to tagname, then [=tagname=] is exactly the same as [.tagname.].
The notion that you can generate a viable architecture by starting with a blank screen and then writing one test case after the other is sheer folderol.
Our pattern match then looks for Alice and Bob by inspecting the values passed to the constructor of the Person case class.
然后,我们的模式匹配通过检查传入的Person case类的值来查找Alice和Bob。
And, if that is the case, then Heaven must be awful and boring-which, by definition, seems wrong.
And these are then interesting case studies of how our moral judgment is governed by factors that we might not be conscious of.
And in the even case, I'd square, divide by half, call this again: in the odd case, I go b minus 1 and then multiply by a.