... 详细地址请参考,联系地址:10169 China Ditch Rd,邮编:83641,地址编号:10169,街道地址:China Ditch,地址说明:Rd。 名称: Anderson Wes 地址: 10169 China Ditch Rd ...
Wes Anderson 韦斯·安德森 ; 安德森 ; 韦斯安德逊
Wes Anderson & Owen Wilson 特南鲍姆一家
FANTASTIC MR FOX Wes Anderson 了不起的狐狸爸爸
by Wes Anderson 布达佩斯大饭店
the films of Wes Anderson 韦斯·安德森电影混剪
"What I love about the film is the sense of humor - it's so Wes Anderson," she said.
“这部电影中我喜欢的是它的幽默感- - -太有韦斯·安德森的风格了”她说。
All of which may only be another way of saying that this is a Wes Anderson film.
所有的这些评价,用另一种方式来说就是:这是一部Wes Anderson的电影。
We looked for inspiration in theatre and in Wes Anderson movie sets.