angle-misalignment 角不对中
Misalignment angle 偏差角 ; 即偏心角 ; 失调角
gyro misalignment angle 陀螺安装误差角
Thrust misalignment angle 推力偏心角
Platform misalignment angle 平台失调角
large azimuth misalignment angle 大方位失准角
The method, based on the theory of non-symmetric flow in Lavol nozzle, aims first at the Angle of reducing the gas dynamic misalignment, and then at the Angle of efficiency.
The identification result of the gyro misalignment angle in inertial platform is unsatisfactory for the static multiposition test scheme.
The numerical results indicated that the large misalignment Angle will cause the contacting area of the stern bearing decreased, pressure distribution uneven, and the peak pressure increased.