N a breed of domestic goat with long soft hair 安哥拉羊; 一种毛长而软的英国羊
Mohair refers to a silk-like fabric or yarn made from the hair of the Angora goat.
There are 18 counties in North-West Region of Sicbuan possessing the ecological factors that are necessary to the Angora goat and could be selected for the introduction.
Natalie Lawrence, 44, ordered the doll's silicone body from Germany before she spent more than two months painstakingly painting on George's face and sewing on his golden locks with Angora goat hair.
现年44岁的娜塔莉·劳伦斯从德国订购了洋娃娃的身体部分,材质为硅胶。 之后,她花了两个月的时间,十分仔细地画出了乔治小王子的面部,还用安哥拉山羊毛给洋娃娃缝了一头金发。