...哥德尔不完备理论),艺术,科学所依赖传达意境的客体在外,人之所以能感受这些表达,是六根与心识的作用,内观自照,觉 无常 ( Anicca )是苦,而禅悦恒久,心无所碍,体证众有情出至一处,无有二别,故此生应舍,布施十方,此名为善.
anicca-bana 常智
anicca-bodha 体验无常
anicca-nupassana 无常随观
anicca-sa 无常想
anicca-paribba 常遍知
Anicca Vata Sankhara 诸行无常
anicca lakkhana 无常相
anicca-sammasana-nana 无常法印智
At first I was not much interested as the method made no mention of namarupa, anicca, anatta and requires the yogi only to be aware of what he is thinking, feeling or doing.
By contrast some of my disciples developed tranquility to some extent after five or six days' practice and became fairly well familiar with the nature of nama-rupa, anicca, anatta, etc.