animated cartoon 卡通片 ; 动画片 ; 动画 ; 动画动漫
Animated cartoon in China 草船借箭
Science of Animated Cartoon 动画
animated cartoon film 美术片 ; 动画片
Science of Animated Cartoon Program 动画专业
Spilling animated cartoon character 喷溅动画字
Competitive product animated cartoon 精品动画
animated cartoon artist 动画艺术家
The researchers showed 56 seven-month-old infants an animated cartoon in which a Smurf-like character watches a ball roll behind a rectangle placed on a table through a number of scenes.
A scene called Children puts animated cartoon clowns on the outer LCD in hopes of making a child smile for the camera.
And they have already written songs-later this year they may do a full score -for a forthcoming feature-length animated cartoon based on Yellow Submarine.