...的簇。K均值算法根据用户指定的参数来选择K个簇的初始质心,然后将数据点经过多次指派,并更新簇的质心,直到最后质心不发生变化。 异常检测(Anomaly Detection):识别其特征显著不同于其他数据的观测值。例如,对于特定的患者,不寻常的影像检查结果可能指出潜在健康问题。
异常侦测(Anomaly Detection): 需事先收集不正常使用的行为特征,建立特征资料库,储存各种不正常行为 的特征,当受监测的使用者或系统行为与特征资料库检测...
network anomaly detection 网络异常检测 ; 节点检测 ; 网络流量异常检测
magnetic anomaly detection 磁场异常探测 ; 磁异常探测 ; 声纳浮标和磁异侦查
Traffic Anomaly Detection 流量异常检测
Anomaly Detection System 异常检测系统 ; 侦测系统
Anomaly Detection Model 异常检测模型
Anomaly Detection Technology 异常检测技术
Performance Anomaly Detection 性能异常检测
Host Anomaly Detection 主机异常检测
This thesis introduced the importance of anomaly detection database.
参考来源 - 实现数据库异常检测相关技术的研究—《电脑知识与技术》—2009年第14期—龙源期刊网This model uses not only misuse but also anomaly detection technology, and at deployment the host based subsystem cooperates with the network-based subsystem. In the distributed IDS model, modules run concurrently and cooperate with each other.
参考来源 - 分布式入侵检测系统的设计The statistic properties and SNR of band image are analyzed, which provides the theoretical foundation for the construction of the anomaly detector and the creation of simulation data. Anomaly detection algorithms are studied based on full-pixel model.
参考来源 - 高光谱图像异常检测方法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
This paper presents a new algorithm , an anomaly detection algorithm based on hidden pattern.
This system has three functions: misused detection, anomaly detection, and attack source traceback.
This article presents a anomaly detection method based on correlation eigen matrix and neural network.