Another purpose is to improve performance based on partition elimination when the DB2 query optimizer determines that only a subset of the partitions need to be examined to answer as particular query.
另一个用途是当DB 2查询优化器确定只需检查分区的一个子集来回答特定查询时,基于分区消除以提高性能。
Your paper is an attempt to write a well-organized answer to whatever question you decide upon, using facts for the purpose of proving (or at least supporting) your contention.
你的论文要试图写出一个条理清晰的答案来回答你所选定的任意问题。 这个过程中,你可以通过运用事实来验证或至少来支持你的论文内容。
You can choose not to answer questions or to adjust privacy Settings so that others can't find you, but that tends to defeat the purpose of a social networking site.