...典 系 正在热情地共舞中, 两个星系强烈的交互作用或许该说是在 星系并吞 (Galaxy Merger) 过程中, 构成了著名的 天线 (Antennae)星系或称 触须星系 。
Antennae Galaxies 触须星系 ; 天线星系 ; 触角星系 ; 天线银河系
antennae nerve 触角神经
isolation between antennae 天线间的隔离度
extraocular antennae 眼外触角
biserrate antennae 重锯齿触角
Good antennae 明察秋毫
Antennae galaxy 天线星系
A - Evolve Antennae 升级宿主的视野
Olfaction Sensillum in antennae of H. armigera consists of cuticular-wall, dendrites, sensillum lymph and sheath cells.
参考来源 - 棉铃虫气味结合蛋白的分子结构及对气味的识别·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"he had a special antenna for public relations"
同义词: feeler
同义词: feeler
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT The antennae of something such as an insect or crustacean are the two long, thin parts attached to its head that it uses to feel things with. 触角
N-COUNT [美国英语] →see aerial
Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect the security of themselves.
The copper antennae have been looted, and only a giant satellite dish betrays its past.
When one ant bumps into another, it sniffs with its antennae to find out if the other belongs to the same nest and where it has been working.