...部区域(occipital face area)、外侧梭状回中部的梭形面部区域(fusiform face area),以及颞叶前部(anterior temporal lobe)。 详情请关注参考文献中Gomez et al.
双侧前舌回(anterior fusiform gyrus)和前颞叶(anterior temporal lobe)受损的 完成140 个词的词汇判断任务,词的呈现顺序是这样的:*** 空白屏幕 提示音 空白屏幕 启动词(类别性,如蔬菜) 靶词(40﹪...
The youngest asymptomatic patient in the family showed symmetric lesions of the white matter in anterior temporal lobe.
Both sides of the anterior temporal lobe are important for memory processing - the left ATL deals with context, while the right ATL is associated with visual memory, New Scientist says.
Both sides of the anterior temporal lobe are important for memory processing — the left ATL deals with context, while the right ATL is associated with visual memory, New Scientist says.