常用商务英语【外汇、保险、信用证、包装、品质……】 ... air waybill 航空运单 anti-dumping duty 反倾销税 at sight (A/S ) 见票即付 ...
... 反连锁商店税 anti-chain-store tax 反倾销关税 anti-dumping duty 反倾销关税税则 anti-dumping tariff ...
Anti-Dumping Duty Order 反倾销税令 ; 反倾销命令
Final Anti-Dumping Duty 最终反倾销税
definitive anti-dumping duty 确定反倾销税 ; 反倾销税
anti dumping duty 反倾销税
anti-dumping duty rates 反倾销税率
anti- dumping duty 反倾销税
Anti-Dumping Duty AD 反倾销税
anti-dumping duty rate 反倾销税率
The amount of the anti-dumping duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping as established under Article 2.
One of the most difficult product to sale in Europe is canned mandarins due to the anti-dumping duty on Chinese manufacturers, she stressed.
It is the main style of imports to domestic industry and also the main reason of levying anti-dumping duty based on identifying whether injury exists or not.