flammatory)、抗生素(anti-biotic)、止痛药(pain-killer)、退热药(anti-pyretic)、止吐药(anti-emetic)、 止泻药 ( anti-diarrheic )、等多种从《Webster's英文大字典》对anti这英文词头(prefix)的定义来看,anti的实际意思是against、...
...亥势虐荫块赵璩蹒篝貉箢嘁揲礁某 抗精神药物 拥更抗精神疾病(antipsychotic), 重镇定效 果(tranquilizer)及止吐效果(anti-emetic) 多用于焦虑合并更妄想,幻觉及谵妄之病人 或用于不适用其他抗焦虑药物 (如呼吸抑 制之病人), 或其他抗焦虑药物无法提供 良好疗效...
anti emetic 止呕吐的
ADJ preventing vomiting 止呕吐的
N any antiemetic drug, such as promethazine or metoclopramide 止吐药
In the ginger study, 644 patients, most of them female, from 23 oncology practices nationwide received two standard anti-emetic medications at the time of chemotherapy.
在生姜研究中,来自全国23个肿瘤机构(practices ?)的644名患者(大部分为女性)在化疗的同时服用了两种标准制吐药。
Conclusion:Ginger-processed Rhizoma pinelliae exhibits a anti-emetic effect in minks, which may be mediated by inhibiting the function of the vomiting center in central nervous system.