抗凝剂 anti coagulant; anti-coagulanting agent; anticoagulant; antifreeze; decoagulan ..
anti-coagulant rodenticide 抗凝血杀鼠剂
anti-coagulant 抗凝剂 ; 阻凝剂
Anti-coagulant paste of insuries 体患除凝胶
anti-coagulant separator 防堵塞分离器
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ acting to prevent or impair coagulation, esp of blood 抗血液凝结的
N an agent that prevents or impairs coagulation 抗凝血剂
Therefore, people with bleeding disorders or taking anti-coagulant medication should consult with their doctor before taking fish oil supplements.
That's achieved by a natural anti-coagulant in the vampire bat's saliva.
The New Zealand woman was treated with warfarin, an anti-coagulant, which resulted in the clot disappearing almost entirely within a week.