1.2.3 耐腐蚀材料 耐腐蚀材料(anticorrosion material)是指能耐各种酸、碱、盐类和有侵蚀性 气体腐蚀作用的材料的统称。使用于建筑防腐蚀工程及容器、管道的防腐蚀衬里 施工。
The invention relates to the anticorrosion material which is the anticorrosion cream for the steel device used in the sea, river and lake.
本发明涉及防蚀材料,具体说是用于海洋、河流和湖泊水体中所建造 的海洋钢铁设施防蚀膏。
This article expounds the application to the domestic bus manufacture of anticorrosion technology, including structure design, anticorrosion material and anticorrosion technology.
In the high-pressured tank anticorrosion material selection, we completely use the YR-T series organic high temperature anti-corrosive resin mortar which developed by our company.
在高压釜防腐选材上,我们全部采用我公司研制的YR - T系列有机高温耐腐蚀树脂胶泥。