目前坊间的止汗剂(Antiperspirants)一般主要成分是氯化铝(Aluminum Chloride)。它会和汗水结合,成为一种胶质,从而封闭汗腺;但这只会是一个治标的方法。
... antipernicious anemia factor 抗亚性贫血因子 antiperspirants 抗汗的 antiphlogistic 抗炎的;消炎剂 ...
Personal deodorants & antiperspirants 人体除臭剂及止汗剂
以上来源于: WordNet
N-VAR Antiperspirant is a substance that you can use on your body, especially under your arms, to prevent or reduce sweating. 止汗药
...a different brand of antiperspirant.
...an antiperspirant for sensitive skins.
ADJ Antiperspirant is also used as an adjective. 止汗的
...a number of deodorants available that do not have an antiperspirant effect.