anxiety disorders association of america
...美国国家心理健康研究所(National Institute of Mental Health) 美国焦虑症协会(Anxiety Disorders Association of America) 美国家庭医师学会(American Academy of Family Physicians, AAFP) ..
anxiety disorders association of america
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Neal-Barnett reported on her ongoing NIMH-funded study of anxiety and fear among African-American women at the annual conference of the anxiety Disorders Association of America in Baltimore in March.
Neal - Barnett在美国焦虑障碍学会年会上(3月,巴尔的摩港市)做了有关非裔美国女性焦虑与恐惧的长期研究的报告。
And if you're a woman, you're twice as likely to be suffering from a good bit that of worrywart-ness, says the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.
CNN: Why women worry, and what to do about it
"I think the less we feel a sense of control and the longer there isn't any closure on it, the more we're going to be seeing anxiety building in people, " said Jerilyn Ross, president and CEO of Anxiety Disorders Association of America.
CNN: Be vigilant, not 'paranoid,' experts say