This means you have access to an easy-to-use relational database, available free of charge under the Apache Software License.
这意味着我们有一种易用的关系数据库可以使用,并且,在拥有 Apache Software License 的情况下,这种关系数据库是完全免费的。
Apache Mahout is a new open source project by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) with the primary goal of creating scalable machine-learning algorithms that are free to use under the Apache license.
Apache Mahout是Apache Soft ware Foundation (asf)开发的一个全新的开源项目,其主要目标是创建一些可伸缩的机器学习算法,供开发人员在Apache在许可下免费使用。
Offering companies the software under the Apache license is pretty important to us.