AC 电力系统的功率因数被定义为流至负载的有功功率 (real power) 与视在功率 (apparent power) 的比值,是一个介于 0 和 1 之间的无单位数值。有功功率是电路在特定时间执行任务的能力。
... apparent porosity显气孔率;虚表孔率 apparent power视在功率;表观功率 heir apparent[律]法定继承人,有确定继承权的人 ...
apparent power meter [电] 视在功率表 ; 表观电力表 ; 视电力表
rated apparent power 额定现在功率 ; 额定视在功率
output apparent power 输出表观功率
rated output apparent power 额定输出表观功率
apparent power measurement [电] 视在功率测量
arithmetic apparent power 算术视在功率
apparent power loss 视在功率损失 ; 视在功率损耗
basic apparent power 基准视在功率
single phase apparent power 単相皮相电力
Power factor power factor is the cosine of the Angle between the active power (kW) and apparent power (kVA) in a circuit.
In an electric power system, the following parameters often need measuring: voltage, current, power factor, power, reactive power and apparent power.
The output power is very stable after the temperature cycling and vibration test. No apparent power decrease has been observed as the device working continuously for 500 h.