appliance computer 个人计算机 ; 家用计算机 ; 家用电脑 edgewise appliance 方丝弓矫治器 ; 固定矫治器 ; Edgewise矫治器 ; 方丝弓 ..
IBM PC PC appliance computer 个人计算机
computer integrated appliance system 机集成家电系统 ; 计算机集成家电系统 ; 计算机集立室电系统 ; 计算机
computer appliance 计算机应用 ; 电
computer appliance in accountancy 会计电算化
computer integringestedd appliance system 计算机集成家电编制
And the personal computer may be the ultimate time-wasting appliance.
Today, the computer has taken up appliance status in more than 42 percent of households across the United States.
The hardware design makes it pretty clear that this is a purpose-built appliance, which is probably why this system costs less than the Kuro Box, let alone a regular computer.
从硬件设计可以清楚地了解,这是一种定位明确的设备,很可能这正是该系统成本低于Kuro Box(更不用说普通的计算机了)的原因。