... New Type Sensors(新型传感器) Application of Sensors(传感器的应用) Detection Measurement Technologies(检测测量技术) ...
Fundamentals and Application of Sensors 传感器原理及应用
Fundamentals of Sensors & Application 传感器原理及应用
the application of intelligent sensors 智能化传感器应用
application of optical fiber sensors 光纤传感器在土木工程中的应用
The application of sensors in fire prevention devices is reviewed and a new consideration for designing automatic fire alarm system is proposed in this paper.
The example application is really not concerned with the accuracy of the sensors, but rather the current X, Y, and Z values of the sensors.
示例应用程序不关心传感器的准确度,但关注传感器当前的 X、Y 和 Z 值。
25am - "we started with those advanced power management techniques and went beyond that — the core OS power manages all of the chips, all the sensors, your application, automatically."
25am -“我们开始使用这些先进强悍的管理科技,而且还要超越这些科技——核心作业系统的引擎可以管理全部的芯片、感应器、和你的应用程序,而且全部自动化。”