... Boot Time Application UI 文件描述 Application UI Design 软件界面设计 Application Compatibility UI 文件描述 ...
UI Design Application 软体与介面设计
The UI design for a portal-based KIOSK application should also follow the general rules for a KIOSK UI.
基于门户的KIOSK应用程序ui设计也应该遵循通常的KIOSK UI设计规则。
According to Solutions Design, only one line of code is required to activate ORM Profiler within an application, and it can be activated from their UI or from the command line.
Solutions Design称,在应用程序中只需要一行代码便可激活orm Profiler,而且还可从用户界面或命令行来激活它。
Essentially, this is all the front end needs to do beyond standard web application design (UI elements, instructions, headings, etc.) and special behavior.