The intensive, one-on-one, in-hometherapywas meted out bybehavioraltherapistRickSchroeder, whousedatechnique of behaviormodificationknown as "applied behavior analysis" orABA.
Some classrooms follow a fairly strict appliedbehavioralanalysis methodology, which tends to put a strong emphasis on one-on-one instruction, using rewards and punishments to spur learning and measuring incremental progress.
The best-established treatments for children with autism spectrum disorders fall under the broad heading of Applied Behavior Analysis -- often referred to as a "behavioral" approach.
The intensive, one-on-one, in-home therapy was meted out by behavioral therapist Rick Schroeder, who used a technique of behavior modification known as "applied behavior analysis" or ABA. ABA essentially breaks down behavior patterns in order to reward good behavior and not reward bad behavior.