... applied hydraulics 应用水力学 applied pressure 外加电压 applied moment 施加力矩,作用力矩,...
施加压力 applied pressure; arm-twisting; bear on; bear upon; clamp down on; exert; forc ..
critical applied pressure 临界压榨压力
applied pressure by annulus 环空加压
Pressure Applied 外力施压 ; 施加压力
Pressure applied to the file 说明应用于文件的加压
applied d pressure 作用压力
pressure dressing applied 加压包扎
direct pressure applied to dissenters 对持不同意见者的直接压力
The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding.
The applied pressure acts on a diaphragm which in turn moves the anode pin.
Material is integrally-bonded to form a solid homogenous panel with thermal and mechanically-applied pressure.
And for Milton, whose temperament up to this point inclined him obviously to hesitation, to postponement, and to merely the anticipation of profit, the pressure applied by this parable of the unprofitable servant may very well have seemed utterly unbearable.