另外再补充一些初中阶段所应当了解的混合物: 王水 (aqua regia) 是本人目前已知的世界上第二强的酸, 又称"王酸", : 是一种腐蚀性非常强, 冒黄色烟的液体, 是一种硝酸(HNO
中文名: 硝基盐酸 中文别名: 硝基盐酸;王水 英文名称: Aqua regia 英文别名: Chloroazoticacid; Chloronitrous acid; Met-Etch; Nitrohydrochloric acid; N
。 中文名: 王酸 英文名: aqua regia 别称: “王酸”“ 硝基 盐酸” 外观: 液体 应用: 蚀刻工艺和一些检测分析过程 构成: 浓 盐酸(HCl)和浓 硝酸(HNO₃) 历史
process dilute aqua regia 王水稀释过程 ; 稀王水萃取法
Aqua regia extraction methods 王水萃取法
aqua-regia 王水
aqua regia solution 王水溶矿法
aqua regia digestion 王水消化
以上来源于: WordNet
N a yellow fuming corrosive mixture of one part nitric acid and three to four parts hydrochloric acid, used in metallurgy for dissolving metals, including gold 王水; 一种由硝酸和浓盐酸混合成的黄色腐蚀性液体,金属冶炼中用来融化包括金子等在内的金属 (Also called nitrohydrochloric acid)
The aqua regia and chlorination leaching provided a rapid rate of dissolution.
The results show that the proposed fibre is highly stable in structure and can adsorb gold even from aqua regia solution.
The aqua regia and chlorination leaching provided a rapid rate of dissolution, however, special attention should be given to strong oxidaion and corrosion of reagents.