宝瓶座(水瓶座),在南半球赤道区邻近双鱼座及天鹰座的一星座,占星术黄道带黄道十二宫的第11宫 1/21~2/18 主管星:天王星 守护神是天之神乌拉诺斯 诞生石:紫水晶 花:紫罗兰
回复: 羊座是九一:查尔西德(小查理)水瓶座(Aquarius):卡兰天秤座(Libra):九一金牛座(Taurus):白羊座(Aries):音时摩羯座(Capricom):艾草狮子座(Leo):Zero射手座(Sagittarius):...
... 宝马香车 ostentatious display of luxury 宝瓶宫 aquarius 宝瓶座 Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac), aquarius ...
SuperStar Aquarius 宝瓶星号 ; 宝瓶星
Aquarius Dwarf 宝瓶座矮星系
Age of Aquarius 水瓶座时代 ; 宝瓶座时代 ; 也称水瓶座时期 ; 也称宝瓶座时期
Aquarius Platinum 阿奎里厄斯铂业公司
the Age of Aquarius 太空时代 ; 宝瓶时代
Aquarius-AQUA 水瓶座
Aquarius Era 宝瓶座纪元 ; 瓶世纪
Aquarius Camus 水瓶座 ; 水瓶宫卡妙 ; 卡妙
同义词: Water Bearer
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Aquarius is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a person pouring water. People who are born approximately between January 20th and February 18th come under this sign. 宝瓶星座; 宝瓶宫
N-SING An Aquarius is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. 宝瓶星座的人 ['a' N]
In this regard, the prevailing star for Aquarius is Uranus.
After that, Jupiter and Neptune will not meet again until 2022, but when they do meet then, it will not be in Aquarius.
Remember that Aquarius man in love is not overly different than he is as your friend. Do not try to tame him, give him free rein and just follow him.