废 中文名称: 化学试剂 甲醛溶液 英文名称: Chemical reagents-- Aqueous formalin 标准组织: 【GB】中国国家标准 正文语种: 国标分类: 【G63】一般有机试剂、有机溶剂 ICS分类: 发布日期: 实施日期: 作 基于1个网页 - 相关网
Aqueous solution of the highest concentration of up to 55%, usually 40%, called the formaldehyde water, commonly known as Faure Marin (formalin), is to stimulate the smell of colorless liquid.
The nature of the formaldehyde, the harm of human body and its source of formaldehyde is a colorless, excitant gas with strong smell, its aqueous solution of 35% ~ 40% formalin.
甲醛的性质、对人体的危害及其来源甲醛是无色、具有强烈气味的刺激性气体 ,其35%~40%的水溶液通称福尔 马林。