开幕式上,亚伦•杨(Aaron Young)将进行一场名为“ 弧光灯 ( Arc Light )”的别开生面的摩托车表演。展览的题目以及请柬由苏格兰艺术家道格拉斯•戈登(Douglas Gordon)作为一件艺术作品构思而出。
Super Arc Light 超级孤光灯 ; 超级弧光灯 ; 超级弧光 ; 穹顶之光
xenon arc light 氙弧灯
Arc Light Source 电弧光源
arc-light 弧光灯 ; 弧光
The intermittent arc light discharge 间歇性弧光放电
the arc light protection device 电弧光保护装置
electric arc light protection technique 电弧光保护技术
Arc Light Films 吉光公司
N-COUNT Arc lights are a type of very bright electric light. 弧光灯 [usu pl]
...the brilliant glare of the arc lights.
The current researches on structure light sensor are mainly about arc light disturbance filtering and image processing.
Searching for a way to create an arc light for use on AC networks, Tesla now found a new fundamental ideal on which to focus: high-frequency electrical phenomena.
According to the arc light features of pulsed TIG welding and its effects on vision measurements, a special method of image capturing and controlling is put forward.