arctic ocean arctic ocean
北冰洋( 北冰洋(Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean )) 洋面上有长年不化的冰层,占北冰洋面积的三分之二,厚度 洋面上有长年不化的冰层,占北冰洋面积的三分之二,厚度 多在...
arctic ocean arctic ocean
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
He warns that the Arctic Ocean could be free of ice during future Northern Hemisphere summers.
VOA: special.2009.10.27
This week,we will tell the latest about sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.
VOA: special.2009.10.27
The bear he says brings that message home. "It gives people an opportunity to connect with literally the processes that are going on up on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole which is melting,"
VOA: standard.2009.12.13
Thanks to data collected and disseminated by the Arctic Regional Ocean Observing System (Arctic ROOS) and by national observing efforts, information about the extent of the Arctic sea ice is reported every few days, providing an early warning of changing conditions in the Arctic Ocean.
The Geographic pole is the top of the axis on which the earth spins, the Magnetic pole is where the compass points to, and the Arctic pole is the point on the Arctic Ocean furthest from any land.
BBC: NEWS | UK | British man scores polar success
The veneer of fractured ice over the Arctic Ocean is changing, disintegrating before my eyes.
CNN: Polar blog: 'There's something afoot in the Arctic'