...are even more traumatized; are ashamed to think that others might see the images on the Internet; are less likely to provide information; and need more time to recover from the abuse than if the images had not been recorded 受害者不想声张,自责,甚至心灵受到严重创伤。 他们感到羞愧,担心其他人可能会见到网络上的图像,也不愿意提供信息。
...are even more traumatized; are ashamed to think that others might see the images on the Internet; are less likely to provide information; and need more time to recover from the abuse than if the images had not been recorded 受害者不想声张,自责,甚至心灵受到严重创伤。 他们感到 羞愧 ,担心其他人可能会见到网络上的图像,也不愿意提供信息。