[12] 120干燥气候(arid climate): 以空气干燥,降水稀少为主要特征的气候类型,在柯本气候分类中B性气候,其大陆度很大,为典型的大陆性气候,年降水量<200毫米...
temperate arid climate 温带干燥天气
semi-arid climate 半干燥气候 ; 半干旱气候
temcalDannynouncedrnedate arid climate 温带干燥气候
arid climate change 干旱气候变化
arid climate system 干旱气候
extreme arid climate 极端干旱气候
arid climate research 干旱气侯学
tropical arid climate 热带干旱气候
arid climate disasters 干旱气候灾害
We considered preliminarily that natural strontium chloride can be formed in salt crust with source of strontium in the extremely arid climate condition.
参考来源 - 库车盆地天然氯化锶矿物的发现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Xinjiang lies in Eurasia inland, has typical half-arid, arid climate.
Because of the present arid climate, few people have ever seen the Tsauchab River with flowing water or a lake in Sossus Vlei.
On paleoclimate evolution, the uranium metallization occur during arid climate condition or transition from humid to arid.