arid and semi-arid lands [气候] 干旱和半干旱地区
Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden 澳大利亚旱地植物园
arid lands abstracts 旱地文摘
Austrlian Arid Lands Botanic Garden 澳大利亚旱地植物园
chinese arid lands 中国干旱区
northwest arid lands 西北干旱区
Oasis of Arid lands 干旱绿洲地区
Arid Lands Botanic Garden 旱地植物园
Arid Lands Resource Sciences 贫瘠资源科学
Such programs are much needed because in many arid lands there is only a vague idea of the extent of groundwater resources.
Regularly flowing rivers and streams that originate within arid lands are known as "endogenous".
The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank have funded attempts to survey the groundwater resources of arid lands and to develop appropriate extraction techniques.