Arithmetic Expression Evaluation 算术表达式求值 evaluation of arithmetic expression 算术表式求值 arithmetic expression of 算术表达式的词法分析和语法分析 ..
Done using an arithmetic expression evaluation stack: file input from the keyboard or an arithmetic expression, calculate and display the results.
For example, arithmetic expression evaluation is performed in left-to-right order (JLS section 15.6) as viewed by the thread performing the operations, but not necessarily as viewed by other threads.
例如,算术表达式的计算在线程内看来是从左到右地执行操作(JLS 15.6章节),而这种执行效果是没有必要被其他线程观察到的。
As you probably suspect, the integer conversion rank is used to define the rules for expression evaluation. Those rules are named the integer promotions and the usual arithmetic conversions.