Arrested Development 揠苗助长 ; 发育停滞 ; 成长受阻
Arrested Development-pilot 揠苗助长
zingalamaduni arrested development 全新美版原盘仅拆封
Arrested Development Prompts MS 多发性硬化症的治疗受阻
Arrested Development - Greatest Hits 唱片名
The Best of Arrested Development 唱片名
Although leprosy was treated differently in the past, the first breakthrough occurred in the 1940s with the development of the drug dapsone, which arrested the disease.
Jason Bateman won the award for best actor in a musical or comedy series for FOX's show, "Arrested Development."
詹森-特曼凭借《揠苗助长》(ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT)获得电视音乐/喜剧类最佳系列剧男演员奖。
Results CHL was caused by the arrested development of hepatic sinusoids at the embryonic stage.