... - 艺术和电影与戏剧(Art and Film & Theatre) - 艺术和艺术史(Art and History of Art) - 艺术和哲学(Art and Philosophy) ...
Classes aim at developing abstract reasoning, an appreciation of art history and aesthetics, as well as learning the studio techniques of art creation.
They have different design styles, such as classicism, baroque and art nouveau style, etc., offering us a precious opportunity to appreciate the art of design of the European history.
Its interference of the history narrative makes it a background and makes art narrative a foreground, which breaks history narrative and leads to the autonomy of art.
It is housed at the Carnegie Museum, which has both an art museum and a museum of natural history.
VOA: special.2009.07.13
to be familiar with the major works and thinkers and literature, music, and art of, uh, Western history.
it's a combination of history and literature and art and politics