artificial heart [基医] 人工心脏 ; [基医] 人造心脏 ; 心脏
artificial heart-lung machine 人工心肺机 ; 称为人工心肺机
intrathoracic artificial heart 胸内人造心脏 ; 胸内人工心脏
Artificial heart valve 人工心脏瓣 ; 人造心脏瓣膜 ; 人工心脏瓣膜 ; 人造瓣膜
artificial heart pump 人造心脏泵
Total Artificial Heart 全人工心脏 ; 完全型人工心脏 ; 全心脏辅助装置 ; 整个心脏的全人工心脏
artificial heart-lung apparatus 人造心肺装置
artificial heart pacemaker 人工心脏起搏器
Terms of artificial heart-Lung machine 人工心肺机术语
sac type artificial heart 囊型人工心脏
The variety of plastic objects at risk is dizzying: early radios, avant-garde sculptures, celluloid animation stills from Disney films, the first artificial heart.
The first artificial heart was created in Russia in 1936.
The multi-step approach makes this artificial heart much cheaper to build than those that use compressed air to pump the blood.