... An Abstract Class 一个抽象类 As An Abstract Class 作为一个抽象类 Abstract class members 抽象类成员 ...
In the later framework, MD5 is defined as an abstract class which can be extended, but its implementation is not trivial.
在Silverlight 2的框架中,MD 5被定义为抽象类,可对其进行扩展,但实现起来非常繁琐。
The UML to C++ transformation treats this as an abstract class, and generates code to reflect the same. For example, consider the following model
UML to C++ 转换的 UML 将它看作一个抽象类,并且产生反映相同特性的代码。
Selects VC 6.0 as software development; tools, according to virtual instrument idea, each instrument category is designed as an abstract class.
以VC 6.0为软件开发工具,利用虚拟仪器的设计思想,将各类测试仪器设计成各个抽象类。