... 我很不安 » I am very disturbed 由于和店长不合 » As the manager and sub- 2003年3月十二日 » March 12, 2003 ...
As the manager and sub- 由于和店长不合
This step identifies systems running the WPAR Manager sub-agent as "WPAR-capable" systems, and also discovers any WPARs that may already exist on WPAR-capable systems.
这个步骤把正在运行WPAR manager子代理的系统识别为“ WPAR - capable ”系统,还会发现在WPAR - capable系统上已经存在的WPAR。
You can configure the report to contain sub-second timestamps for ON-Bar processing, as well as the transfer rates between ON-Bar and the storage manager, and between ON-Bar and the IDS instance.
可以设置报告,使之包含ON - Bar处理的次秒级时间戳,还可以配置ON - Bar与存储管理器之间、ON - Bar与IDS实例之间的传输率。