(P138) 第二节 灰分检查法 ( Ash Test )一、意义 灰分检查主要是控制药材和中药制剂中泥沙等 杂质的含量,对于保证药品品质和洁净度有着重 要意义。
ash content test 灰分含量试验 ; 灰分含量测定
Compared with an ash test, it is simpler and quicker, by which sample preparation can be greatly simplified, with an improved sensitivity and accuracy.
And though several European airlines conducted successful test flights in the danger zone, the engines of a Finnish military jet suffered considerable damage as a result of breathing in the ash.
This paper introduces the mix proportion of high fly ash content concrete instead of 30% cement with fly ash and some experiment results of the test examples in laboratory.
介绍了在水泥混凝土中,采用粉煤灰替代30 %水泥的高掺量粉煤灰混凝土的配合比设计,以及试件力学性能的室内实验结果。