在网上看到王家卫要出的终极版ASHES OF THE TIME(时间的灰烬) 然而当年的主角,哥哥已然香魂飞逝 作为我最喜爱的偶像之一呈现了很多的风采给世人 当年看的时候 很多的东西看不是很明白 只因爱...
The paper on which they are printed might be seized or burnt, their authors silenced, but somehow their works tend to survive and be reborn from their own ashes after a period of time.
That's when we have to remember Phoenix, who rose, time and again, from the ashes of the past.
In 1993 Australian Chris Doyle won the Best cinematographer award at the Venice Film Festival for Ashes of Time, and has since become one of the most well-known cinematographers in Asia.
And he had bone fragments of what they thought-- or,at least,ashes of Marie Antoinette that he had with him in his room all the time.