If the idea is to help people search the Internet better, you might aswell use Ask Jeeves.
如果那些想法可以让你更好的利用互联网,你也会使用Ask Jeeves这款搜索引擎。
Nadia Kelly, of Ask Jeeves, said: "Jeeves prides himself on being able to answer 16 million questions a month and has been doing so for ten years now.
来自Ask Jeeves的纳迪亚凯莉说:“Jeeves一直以每月能够为用户解答1600万个问题而骄傲,并且坚守本职工作十年如一日。
The world's ten most unanswerable questions include "what is the meaning of life", "does God exist", showed a study made by Ask Jeeves, a popular search engine in US.
美国著名搜索引擎ask Jeeves最新调查发现,世界上最难回答的十大问题包括“生命的意义是什么”、“有没有上帝”等等。