(一)资产负债率 资产负债率(Asset-Debt Ratio)是负债总额除以资产总 额的百分比。 负债总额 资产负债率 100 再引出两个相关比率: 资产总额1.
asset debt ratio 资产负债率
management of asset debt ratio 资产负债比例管理
Debt-to-Asset Ratio 资产负债率 ; 资产负债比率 ; 负债与资产比率 ; 资产比
Debt Asset ratio 资产负债率
debt to asset ratio 资产负债率
debt-asset ratio 资产负债率
asset-to-debt ratio 资产债务比率
debt on asset ratio 资产负债率
Compared with most companies, that is a tiny debt-to-asset ratio.
Is there anything else, apart from the Credit Rating and Debt to Asset Ratio?
除了信用等级和资产负债率以外,还有其他的什么标准吗? ?
Firstly, your Credit Rating must be class a, and your Debt to Asset Ratio must be top notch, for the industry you are involved in.